1337FEET here,Thanks to Valve and their newest release, Portal 2, there now seems to be no point to Safe Science, But! there are still more games to be modded, models to create and maps to make, so stay stuned for new mods which may contain parts from Safe science *nudge* *nudge*.
Dam that rogue Ai! it's destroyed everything even our Brains!
we now have nothing except what i did with GLaDOSs voice!
Now it isn't even a portal multiplayer mod!
Stay Prepped X-Tendo Klaws...

Hold fast...

We'll get through somehow...


[too serious a situation to insert a drug name here]
There is a poll however look!
Greetings, I am 1337 Feet, As you are probably unaware i am in charge of GLaDOS among other things this is my first test...

I am proud of it.
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